United States
I have a 10x10 structure with a male kiwi on one side and a female on the other. Can I grow a David Austin climbing Wedgewood rose on the same structure? I didn't know if the rose would choke out the kiwis, or vice a versa. Thanks,
20 Jun, 2012
A friend of ours grew a Kiwi over a long frame the width of their small garden. It rampaged around over the next 2-3 years, so that she could hardly hang her washing out! So be warned, as above, it is a plant with ADHD.
20 Jun, 2012
You could try a very vigorous rose like Madame Alfred Carriere which might compete, but I don't think it would look particularly good, and would make pruning the kiwis difficult (essential if you want them to fruit).
20 Jun, 2012
kiwi's are very vigourous so i think the rose would loose out I am afraid.
20 Jun, 2012