By Noseypotter
United Kingdom
ive had ivy growing up my house which i quit liked till it started growing onto the roof . i thaught completly cutting threw it at the base would do the job .well its been about 5 months and its now flowering lol . i also have a lovley chinese virginia creeper mixed in with it . i wonderd if there was something i could use to just kill the ivy ? if not is there something i can use to kill both please . thanxs ?

20 Jun, 2012
Hi, NP - haven't seen you here for a while. Haven't got an answer for you, sorry, just wanted to say hello.
20 Jun, 2012
Hi Np , will follow this as i cut through the large stem of an ivy that grows up a tree in the garden about February and it shows no sign of giving up! i will try re cutting the stem and applying systemic weedkiller?.
20 Jun, 2012
I got rid of my Ivy by cutting the base, chopping as much as I could off. It took more than a year to die, then it came away easily. I cut down my Mums virginia creeper about two months ago..I have to go back and sort it because it is no growing inside the house !!! coming up from the cellar in to the living room.
Good luck Leigh. Work that tan matey ;))
20 Jun, 2012
thank you so much everyone and hello ojibway xx .
21 Jun, 2012
We had the same problem a number of years ago, Nosey, with both ivy and Virginia Creeper. Both looked super growing up the walls but then they started going under the slates and over the chimney!
In both cases I cut them off at ground level and removed them from the wall immediately. A messy job, particularly the ivy, but they came away with little trouble. I used a stump killer on the stumps and neither has returned.
21 Jun, 2012
Hi Nosey - it's good to see you around! We have Boston Ivy growing up the back of my house. We always have to get it cut down to about 2 feet below the gutter level (the man who does the roof does it for us) I think it's different from ordinary ivy though, and would die if I cut it through at the bottom. We lost quite a lot of it during the bad winter. Hope you solve your problem!
21 Jun, 2012
so do i as im not up to pulling it down myself lol . thanx anyway .
21 Jun, 2012
Hi, we had virginia creeper growing up our previous house and into the loft. We cut it down and applied stump killer ,it stopped growing. Ayear later it came up the other side of the drive in several places. We moved house , we now have a brand new virginia creeper to do battle with (or maybe the same one following us). Best of luck!!
21 Jun, 2012
thank you xx . i like the creeper and in all honesty i like the ivy but its out of control . im going to look for a good strong weed killer .i wonder about that new stuff you wipe on the leaves . i dont mind the ivy staying put but being dead as the birds will still use it .
21 Jun, 2012
If you're sure you found all the places its rooted it must die eventually - it can stay green for ages actually so don't give up yet. Though five months sure is a heck of a time. Its much easier to pull off when its dry and it makes really good firelighters!
21 Jun, 2012
i definatly cut it threw so ill see what happens thanx x
22 Jun, 2012
xx :)
22 Jun, 2012
Napam, or there is an eco frendly one just come out called "elbow grease". good luck
20 Jun, 2012