What type of bedding won't slugs eat?
United Kingdom
Am I asking too much? I grow hanging baskets each year, which are excellent because fortunately slugs don't have wings and can't fly, so they remain safe throughout the summer. But I am also wanting to grow some bedding at ground level in pots and containers. I use copper tape to keep slugs from climbing them, but because my patio is tiny I have to place pots very close together and touching each other, and slugs often find ways past the tape. I found last year that begonias in pots were untouched by slugs, so will go for more of them this year. Can anyone advise what other bedding I can grow at ground level which are likely to prove non edible to slugs?
16 May, 2009
Pelagoniums, there are lots of different types,
17 May, 2009