By Jackier
United Kingdom
I recently saw an acqueligia plant with a small "thistle" type red flower. Imogen, he Head Gardener at Pensthorpe (Norfolk) told me the name but I didn't have pen and paper and couldn't remember what she had told me!!!! It began with Phal...... or Thal.......acqueligia. It was the only one in the wave garden and seemingly wasn't intentionally planted!!! Can you help please - Jackie Rainbow, 07925 374116
21 Jun, 2012
By 'thistle' headed do you mean it simply had a ruffled head or double flowered one? If so, it is probably one of the Nora Barlow series which do look a bit like this.
21 Jun, 2012
Thalictrum Aquilegiifolium maybe. Its a thalictrum with aquilegia shaped leaves.
21 Jun, 2012
I agree Bertie: Try looking at Aquilegia 'black barlow' it will set you on the right path I think.
21 Jun, 2012
I think it will be Thalictrum Aquilegifolium... Just with you saying it began Thal made me think 'ah' this is Thalictrum's called aquilegifolium because the leaves are similar in shape to aquilegia leaves.
21 Jun, 2012
Hope you are able to help
21 Jun, 2012