By Fl0ra
United Kingdom
In the last couple of weeks my Dracaena Marginata plant has pushed itself out of it's pot.
When I went to re-pot it I found it was due to one enormous root the size of a finger growing down vertically. If it continues to gow I will be re-potting this plant every few weeks.
Does anyone know if it is going to do any harm if I sever this root from the plant?
21 Jun, 2012
Sounds like a tap root so you won't cause any problems cutting it off. The feeder roots will hold it in the container. If you think about all the Bonsai trees, oaks, chestnut etc. growing in shallow dishes, they must have had a tap root that has been removed.
21 Jun, 2012
Previous question
« I recently saw an acqueligia plant with a small "thistle" type red flower....
We had a similar problem andI think its a taproot to stabalise the tree in the ground and not feeder roots........I hope thats right as I did what you suggested and chopped it off........
21 Jun, 2012