By Jacksondscar
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I recently bought this plant from Garden Centre but lost the label.Can anyone tell me its name,please ?

23 Jun, 2012
It does look a bit like lobelia cardinalis...but just doesn.t if you get what i mean.
Ive just planted some penstemon mystica at work at it looks similar to those
23 Jun, 2012
it looks like my Lobelia 'fan series' a shorter version of queen victoria.
23 Jun, 2012
My first thought was Lobelia queen victoria.
23 Jun, 2012
If the leaves come in pairs--as they appear to do--it may be one of the bronze-leaved lobelias, such as 'Husker Red'
27 Jun, 2012
Thanks everyone
27 Jun, 2012
It looks a bit like 'Lobelia_Queen Victoria' but don't quote me on that! Google it and see if it resembles it at all. I have one which looks like yours, it has the name.
23 Jun, 2012