By Leighleigh
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
i found a lily bulb -asiatic lilies is all it said on the bag. the ones i planted in march have been mostly eaten except one that just isnt growing much, so i potted the stray bulb last week. if put it in my mini will it grow this year or grow at all or should i leave it outside? thank yoo!
24 Jun, 2012
Thanks pam, ive not noticed those i thought it was just the slugs so ill keep an eye out! :o)
24 Jun, 2012
Lily bulbs store much better in the ground than out of it, in my experience.
27 Jun, 2012
Thanks tug. does compost in a pot count? :o)
27 Jun, 2012
Yep. As long as you keep it moist, but not waterlogged.
29 Jun, 2012
Thank-you! :o)
30 Jun, 2012
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« My aced tree has White marks on the bark can you help please
Leave it outside and let it do its thing I think. It may not come through until next year now though.
If your lilies have been eaten it's probably the lily beetle and the larvae. Have a look for either bright red beetles on the plants or ugly lumpy things covered in what looks like bird pooh ( these are the larvae) and then you will need to squish them. I know this sounds mean but they devour lilies and it's the only way. :)
24 Jun, 2012