Leighleigh's Profile

About me
Hi! Im Leigh-anne, im 24, myself and partner live in Batley near Leeds with our 2 adorable boys- Alfie 2 and Charlie 7mth. We moved over from Sheffield 2 years ago when we came across this gorgeous house with front and back gardens to start our family life. Im waiting to start college in September to pursue my career in the NHS. I wanted to join this site for advice and tips on getting my haven (garden) looking glorious for the future Summers-and the rest of the year also! Even though I was pregnant during last Summer I was stil mowing the lawn at 8mths! I have had a few hard years previously due to personal reasons and now I use my garden as an ongoing project that will bloom with me! -its also my escape for a fag when the kids are running riot inside! :-) Meeting some online buds- pun intended-would be a bonus! I am an amatuer though so I may ask some silly questions but suppose thats the point isnt it! :-) Im really friendly and will also offer advice as I learn. My other hobbies when i get a chance are baking and decorating birthday cakes, ebaying and partying! I love teaching my boys and watching them grow. Alfie is keen on gardening too, well, digging my prepared beds and picking dandelions-all very helpful!