By Dragons
United Kingdom
Hi goy fans,
I recently purchased from Sutton seeds x3 hundreds and thousands tomotoe plants to try this year, unfortuneatley there where no instructions.. anybody have anyideas or details?
I am a normal tommy plant grower and this is my first attempt at this type of plant
24 Jun, 2012
Hi Dido,
Thanks... did you prune them at all or just let them run wild..sorry for amy spellings been at the wine tonite
24 Jun, 2012
No pruning just let them get on with it! I think they're for hanging baskets really but I don't like them, watering always an issue, mind you not so much this year eh? Oh and cheers!!
24 Jun, 2012
I grew them last year D for my granddaughter really, I grew them in a "long Tom" pot filled with multi purpose compost, put three plants in and left them to it really, feeding when first fruits set once maybe twice a week, fruited a bit later than my other toms but got lots of fruits as promised, the leaf growth tends to go a bit mad so I just removed some from time to time, I would grow again hope this helps a bit!
24 Jun, 2012