French & runner bean germination
By Skipper
United Kingdom
Last year grew French bean Modus in peat pots in cold greenhouse. All germinated and good crop. This year ALL rotted in pots and also runners Prizewinner. Both last years beans.What have I done wrong. Shall I sow another variety directly into ground?
20 May, 2009
Hi Skipper you can certainly sow your bean seeds directly into the ground... we never start our off in pots as there is no room in the greenhouse for veggies! If you want to give them a good start plant today or tomorrow which are, in moon growing terms, good days for fruits!
21 May, 2009
the temperatures have fluctuated a lot. also seed does not last for ever. i forgot to put unsowed seed back in the cool coalshed. they stayed in the heat & the cold of the greenhouse all summer & winter. none of them germinated this year.
so this might be the problem. or they were too wet and rotted off.
20 May, 2009