Couch Grass
By Pattony
United Kingdom
We have just taken over an allotment, we have cleared most of the grass but we have got some aparagus and raspberries we would like to know a weed killer that we could use that would not harm the veg and fruit.
20 May, 2009
Sorry again, but I've tried 'em all over the years on this pernicious grass and nothing works except things that kill everything, like napalm. Digging out the only way I'm afraid, if you want to plant soon.
20 May, 2009
Roundup will kill Couch and the ground can be safe for planting after only a few days, but you have to wait for the couch to have plenty of green leaves to ensure all rooted pieces are treated.. Otherwise forking out, at which I spent hours when younger, becomes quite enjoyable , shaking the pieces of root on to the surface and leaving it for a few days in the sun then making heaps and burning it. Not welcome in these days, but an old smouldering heap was quite a pleasant sight and smell. A touch of nostalgia.
20 May, 2009
i still try to pull out more than a metre with out snapping it. little things and all that.....
21 May, 2009
sorry Pattony but i dont think there is.
not the best answer for a new member to GoY [welcome] but some one else might know of a suitable wk.
20 May, 2009