By Dmc
United States
I purchased 2 new fuschia plants this Spring and transferred them into hanging baskets (iron with coconut liner). They are located on my covered screened-in back porch. They have plenty of shade and are watered regularly. They seem to be thinning and becoming scraggly in appearance. The buds are not blooming to maturity--becoming spent before they fully bloom.
28 Jun, 2012
I wonder if your fuchsias would rather have more soil under their roots. I have one in a shallow bowl similar to a basket depth, and it is not that happy. Others in pots with deep soil below are relishing it and budding up and flowering well, just this last week or so. Some of the massive trailing fuchsias one sees are in very large baskets. Or in GCs with warmer conditions than can be provided at home.. My fuchsias have a canopy overhead and enjoy some shade for part of the day.
29 Jun, 2012
I wonder if they are actually getting enough sun? I don't think fuschia particularly like shade, though I guess it's very hot where you are. Have you grown them before?
28 Jun, 2012