By Martinashrek
County Antrim,
I bought 2 different japanese maple trees. Planted them in the same soil same kind of pot. One is doing realy well, but the other is not, the leaves started to wither and are now dropping off. What can I do to save it, its leaves where red and spider like and so beautiful when I bought it HELP!!!
On plant
Japanese mapel tree
28 Jun, 2012
Some of the Japanese acers also do not like full sun but more likely to be wind burn.
29 Jun, 2012
I find that the finer the leaf, the more prone they tend to be to sunburn and windburn. If it were mine, I would find a really sheltered semi- shaded spot for it to give it the best chance for next year. I hope it revives for you. They are such beautiful trees.
29 Jun, 2012
I used a bag of soil bought in b&q not sure wot was in it. Planted the maple tree in a large pot.Thanks for all your comments very much appreciated.
13 Jul, 2012
I used a bag of soil bought in b&q not sure wot was in it. Planted the maple tree in a large pot.Thanks for all your comments very much appreciated.
13 Jul, 2012
I used a bag of soil bought in b&q not sure wot was in it. Planted the maple tree in a large pot.Thanks for all your comments very much appreciated.
13 Jul, 2012
Hi, some maple trees don't like windy locations, so that may be an issue with the leaves withering. Can I ask, what soil did you pot them in? Also was the pot a good size bigger than the root ball?
29 Jun, 2012