Zebra Grass....No Zebra Stripes.
By Philc1
United Kingdom
In its third year, growing ok, 3 to 4 ft high but no pale bands this year. Can anyone please tell me why it would lose its 'zebra stripes'. It has been ok the previous two years.
On plant
23 May, 2009
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No, nothing different...and it wasn't affected badly by frost...it looks really healthy and strong...but no pale stripes/bands.
23 May, 2009
Mine looks the same, I think it said on gardeners world/Chelsea flower show that the new growth takes a while to develop the stripes.
23 May, 2009
Hi - I've had a Zebra Grass for the past 4 years and each year it starts growing with no stiripes at all, once the weather warms up the stripes start to appear, usually mid - end June when the grass is 1m tall. Perhaps wait until we see more summer sun and hopefully the stripes will reappear.
23 May, 2009
Ok...thanks for your replies...I won't worry...just wait!
23 May, 2009
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Now that is odd... you've not done anything differently to it this year? Did the plant get badly frosted over winter?
23 May, 2009