I planted Laurel hedging last year hoping to see a good hedge this year but every plant died. The soil is dese clay and it is exposed to wind what else can I do to provide quick hedging at a reasonable price apart from urban fencing!
By Girlie
United Kingdom
The area is exposed to wind and in clay soil just outside Uckfield Sussex

23 May, 2009
I have to agree with Mims suggestions - any tree/shrub that is planted is going to need a lot of care and attention both before and after planting...
23 May, 2009
Monty Don erected a wind barrier made out of wooden posts and netting until his hedge became established. It has been unusually windy down here in sussex and I suspect that the waterloss has been too much for your plants
23 May, 2009
Looks like drought death to me. I don't know whether you're talking about aucuba or prunus laurocerasus (one's spotted evergreen, the other plain evergreen and gets much bigger) but both of these plants are hardy and tolerate quite a lot, wind and all sorts. Did you prepare the soil properly? As in digging it over, adding organic matter in the form of compost? Did you check on it for dryness regularly after you'd planted? If the area is windy, that dries the soil out enormously. And were the plants healthy when put them in - supplied bareroot or bought at garden centre? You need good soil preparation (not just a random hole to stick a plant in), healthy plants, regular water, and I mean 20/30 mins a week with a sprinkler if it's dry, not wandering up the garden with a hose spray gun! I'd try again with laurels if you made any of the mistakes I've mentioned here.
23 May, 2009