By Tamy
United States
i have 3 driveways and id like to get some pics of arrangements of flawers to get an idea of what to do with mine,one driveway goes to the house and the other goes to my hubby s garage and the other one connects them together in the middleof my yard in the front
30 Jun, 2012
Hello Tammy you might find it helpful too look at members gardens in Goypeadia. To do this go to the bottom of the page and select a letter, for example D then select Drives and entrances or the letter F and select 'Ideas for front gardens' it might give you some ideas?
30 Jun, 2012
Snap Inverglen lol
30 Jun, 2012
Make a cuppa first you may be some time Goypedia is fascinating....
1 Jul, 2012
Go to the bottom of this page, click on D and then select Driveways and there is a selection of pictures and ideas there.
30 Jun, 2012