By Muddyshoes
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
We were given a yellow rose bush in April, and I planted it towards the end of that month. Now it has many yellow and brown leaves on it, and wonder what could be the reason. It is in a well drained site in quite a lot of sun. I think it is called 50th golden wedding anniversary. Hope someone can help as it is a special plant to us. Many thanks.
30 Jun, 2012
Watering is a good idea, as Lynda says, but with all the rain we've been having, you may not have found it necessary.
Does it have black spot? This makes the leaves look patchy yellow and brown, usually with black spots. If so, spray with a suitable fungicide.
1 Jul, 2012
Roses are quite greedy plants, if there is no sign of disease, then it could be under watering, give them a long drink rather than a little at a time. Remove all the yellow/brown leaves ( just in case) and see how it goes.
30 Jun, 2012