By Patzyann
United Kingdom
My tomatoe plants have only three sets of leaves and I have already pinched out the shoots. I have been told that I shouldn't do this until they have a truss, will this harm them? They are not growing very fast although they look healthy. Thank you
1 Jul, 2012
i believe all peoples veg especialy tomatoes are a bit slow this summer . there hasnt been much sun realy as its always overcast or raining . its the worst summer so far in a long time thow it hasnt been cold . i think i can here thunder now as i type lol .
1 Jul, 2012
They say last thursday when we had the awful storms that between april and june this year we have had more rain than this period since records began in 1910.....makes you think.....
1 Jul, 2012
Thank you both. It's just that my son planted his same time and they already have trusses on them but his are in a green house. I have been told I didnt plant them deep enough and I am watering to much.
1 Jul, 2012
your welcome but it is the lack of sun to lots of peoples plants are suffering in the vedge and salad department .
2 Jul, 2012
Mine are slow too, don't worry if you've only pinched out the side shootsyou need to if they are the big cordons. Leave the top until you've 4 trusses, if you've already pinched out the top it will probably try to grow another leader so let it but continue to pinch out the rest of the side shoots so the strength goes into growing the tomatoes
Start feeding when the first flowers have begun to set
If they are the small bush variety no pinching out is needed at all
1 Jul, 2012