By Samjp
Staffordshire, West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Hi all I had a wonder round my moms garden yesterday and was somewhat disappointed to see how many plants I've lost. It looks like my echinacea, salvias, penstemon and dianthus have croaked. I know at least 3 of them survived winter. The border they are in gets chocka block with spring bulbs and I suspect they have smothered them. It's a shame to dig the bulbs out as it looks gorgeous in spring but I don't want to keep losing my plants. Has anyone got any suggestions?
1 Jul, 2012
Thanks sbg that could work (and yes it did make sense). May as well pot them up and make use of them I suppose. I'm going to be digging them up one way or another. I may just rethink the whole design for the spring garden. At least until my plants are more established. Be interesting to see what it's like next year lol. Thanks for your suggestion.
2 Jul, 2012
you could lift the bulbs but them into pots then rebury the pots. in the late spring when the bulbs have done their bit you can lift the pots and leave for the bulbs to die back this would then give the space for your other plants. does that make sense?
1 Jul, 2012