United Kingdom
Can anyone tell me if the flower heads should be removed from meconopsis or left to go to seed? Is it better to allow the plant to self seed or plant the seeds in small pots in the greenhouse....I heard that one member puts them in the fridge. I am also puzzled that the colour seems to be changing this year and now has a pinkish tinge; could this be the acidity of the soil and if so how can I treat it to regain the beautiful blue colour? (not sure what variety is)
1 Jul, 2012
Thanks for all that information. Its just what I wanted to know. Any ideas on why its gone pink. I fed all the plants with blood and bone earlier in the year, could this be the problem? (They have been far more prolific this year ....but pink!) Thanks again.
1 Jul, 2012
Not a clue do you know which mec. it is?
1 Jul, 2012
Sorry, no idea which one it is, but thanks for replying.
1 Jul, 2012
Several of them do not set viable seed but good luck anyway. Only thought on the slight change of colour is the dreadful weather!
2 Jul, 2012
That sounds reasonable......I've gone a bit pale and sickly too! Thanks
4 Jul, 2012
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If your meconopsis is not one of the sterile varieties, there are several, and you want to propagate more then leave the seed heads on and harvest when ripe. Almost fill a small plant pot with potting compost (we use our own but John Innes #2 is pretty good). Sprinkle the seed on the surface cover lightly with grit, label (very important) and leave outside somewhere the pot wont be disturbed. Check next spring and if nothing is happening wait at least one more year. Never put seed of meconopsis in the fridge if you leave the plant put outside it will actually get colder t than your fridge.
1 Jul, 2012