how do I change the picture by my name?
By Bornagain
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
The picture by my adopted name is the one I used to show a lichen problem. is there a way to change it? I know this isn't strictly a garden question, but I'm something of a techniphobe and just learning the ropes. I don't even know how to blog!
23 May, 2009
Also on the right hand side, where it says Your Homepage, there you will find Write a blog, click on that and start writing.
23 May, 2009
Thanks Maccrimmon, I told you I was a technophobe. I'll have a go now.
23 May, 2009
Thanks Michaella, although I'm not quite sure what one is.
23 May, 2009
if u struggle just ask again it aint a problem bornagain
23 May, 2009
Have a look at other people's blogs; you'll see that mostly, they're just chatty info. A blog is whatever you want it to be... Have fun.
23 May, 2009
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top left of home page click on -- Edit Profile , then browse your computer for a different photo.
23 May, 2009