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Hi, Could you advise me what to do with my potted magnolia. It tries to leaf up, and even produced a flower at the very top, but all drop off and leave just this twig behind. This is its third year in the pot (which has plenty of growing room, as I repotted it into this one). Some of the twigs are brittle and dead, but others are still green and bendy. Do I cut it hard back down the main trunk or just give up with it ? Thank you very much for you help.



Magnolias don't really like being in pots you would do better to plant in your garden with some good ericaceous compost in a sheltered position. Remove all the dead branches.

2 Jul, 2012


Did the leaves go yellow or pale before falling off? You may need to add some fertiliser, esp Iron. Magnolia's have surface roots that feed it, so the plant you have around the pot will be competing for nutrients and water. So take them all out, add some fresh soil then mulch with stones/bark or what have you if you are not going to put it in the ground (the ground is better for them as per mood growe's advice.)

2 Jul, 2012


Thank you so much for your speedy response - will crack on with your advise straight away - many thanks !

2 Jul, 2012


Oh I love it Kildermorie mood growe's!

2 Jul, 2012

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