Pea weevils
By Cammomile
west sussex,
United Kingdom
I have been lucky enough to get an allotment (well half of one as a whole one was too big). It hasn't been dug for a couple of hundred years as it has been pasture land. Apart from the obvious hard labour - it now seems I am suffering from pea weevils - well the peas are - and I wonder if anyone has any ideas on how to deal with the little devils.
24 May, 2009
Hi Cammomile,
Sorry you've had to wait so long for an answer. I didn't see the question until tonight.
Are you sure it's pea weevil? They don't usually cause much trouble with mature pea plants. Do the leaves have scalloped edges? If so, then it probably is weevils. Fortunately(?) there is only one generation a year, but the young larvae feed on the roots. It's the adult, short-snouted weevils that cause the visible damage. Plants should be dusted with derris or HCH, but this is not usually necessary with older plants unless the damage is severe.
If you intend to grow legumes of any kind next year, ensure that your seed has a fungicidal seed dressing.
A better idea would be to grow potatoes. This is the traditional way of cleaning fallow ground and putting new heart into it. Hope I'm not too late and you manage to save your crop. All the best
15 Jun, 2009