Moving daffs
By Bernard
United Kingdom
I would like to move some of my daffodils to a new position where the foliage will be hidden when they die down. Is it OK to just move them once the foliage has completely died down or is it better to lift and store them for planting later?
24 May, 2009
I have done it both ways but if I had the choice and the space available in the new position then I would replant them now.
24 May, 2009
I have lifted daffs with the leaves still green and heeled them into a temporary area, where the leaves died down naturally, then at planting time, lifted them and planted them in their permanent bother...:>)
24 May, 2009
Previous question
Hi Bernard if you know where you want them to go once the foliage has died down then lift and replant straight away in their new position. This way they will have time to settle down.
24 May, 2009