Bought as Curly Kale but more like Sprouting Broccoli
By Noonoofox
United Kingdom
Last year I bought some small curly kale plants for my garden. They did very little until spring time and instead of producing large leaves they produce small curly leaves and alot of slightly peppery tasting sprouting heads similar to sprouting broccoli. They taste wonderful and are very prolific and have now been sprouting for a couple of months and are still going strong. Does anyone know what I have grown, I have asked my local garden centre (where I bought them from) and they have no idea what I have. They where planted in newly raised beds and I live in the south east England. Any suggestions greatly received. Liz

24 May, 2009
Thanks, but this plant does not have tight floretts and the leaves are very curly, thanks again any other suggestions? Liz
25 May, 2009
sorry that was my best stab. never mind at least you are enjoying the fruits of your labour. lol
25 May, 2009
?white sprouting broccoli
25 May, 2009