What is the quickest and easiest way of clearing a very overgrown garden.
By Nickyj
United States
The garden is very overgrown with weeds and grass and plum tree suckers and brambles. I need to know the best method of clearing it. I want to have an orchard there.
24 May, 2009
Roundup will not work for the brambles or the plum suckers... these will have to be dug out - a slow and labourious job!
24 May, 2009
A couple of doses of Roundup will certainly give the brambles a severe check but don't be put off by ' Moon grower ' and his labourious job!!. Just take your time and when a bramble reappears dig it out, it is only the old well established ones that are a bit difficult the younger ones come out easily.Good luck, I had the same problem years ago.
25 May, 2009
I personally would strim it all down and then dig dig dig
x x x
25 May, 2009
Mookins, I agree. lol I love digging! smelling the fresh soil! 'Moon grower' is right, Round Up will not kill the brambles. you'll have to pull them up.
I'm thinking of you, I'm currenly going through the process... and my garden IS as big as a field!!!
Mucho Love x
25 May, 2009
Oh Wyeboy... female here :-)
25 May, 2009
just think how chuffed you will be when you finish and can stand back and say
" I did that myself" with no chemicals
x x x
25 May, 2009
Previous question
I would spray it with ROUND UP and waite for it all to die back, it will probably take about two weeks, but round up does not hurt the ground it neutralises on contact with the surface. Then when everything is brown and dead you will be able to dig it over and remove the dead roots and weeds, it will give you a clean start it may not be strong enough for the brambles, but at least it will check them and make it easier for you. Once it is all cleared and dug I would leave it for a while then dig it over again before the Autumn. I am presuming this is garden size not field size!!!You would not want to plant fruit trees through the summer. and if you want to put it down to grass, you will get good take if you sow it in September.
The grass and trees will have the Autumn /Winter to put down good roots.
24 May, 2009