By Cornishsally
United Kingdom
Gooseberry growth. As it had stopped raining for thirty seconds this morning I went out to pick some gooseberries (Very good crop! Ha you slugs - SOMETHING you don't like!) Many of the branches were lying on the ground and I found one that had started rooting along the branch. Is this usual? And could I make a new bush out of it? I only have 2 bushes but both are very healthy, would be good to have more!
5 Jul, 2012
Thanks Owdboggy. I'll give them a bit longer. There's plenty more fruit to pick yet anyhow. And it's raining again.....
5 Jul, 2012
All my gooseberries have come from one original so i can vouch for the method. You just have to train them carefully when they've got going so you get a nice open bowl shape on a short leg.
5 Jul, 2012
Thanks - that's interesting. And the bushes are such good croppers ( have lost the original labels unfortunately) I would like to have more, so will enjoy trying this method!
6 Jul, 2012
You don't even need to layer them actually - when you do the pruning use prunings for cuttings - just push them in the ground for about a third of their length and leave them until next year. Most of them will root, and being more upright than layers they are easier to train in the first place. Just as you would do for redcurrants and forsythia.
6 Jul, 2012
Layering is not uncommon and yes of course you can take the piece or pieces and grow them on. You may want to wait until there is a really good set of roots though.
5 Jul, 2012