The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

By J79m80

Tyne And Wear, United Kingdom

Can anyone tell me how to get rid of the problem of being over run with slugs and snails apart from using slugs pellets.



This question is asked on here every other day and of course especially this year because of all the wet weather we have had.

Scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on S and then on the menu there is a section called Slugs and one called Snails.

Scroll down each of those pages and you will see earlier responses to this question.

5 Jul, 2012


I,ve just been to a botanical garden in scotland and some hostas look like lace so you are not alone....even the professionals are in trouble

5 Jul, 2012


Sad isnt it, I am finding them a problem too. I keep feeding the Hedgehogs and the frogs seem busy!

5 Jul, 2012


One suggestion which I've tried recently is to go outside just before or just after dark with a torch wearing a pair of rubber gloves and collect all the slugs/snails you find.

I started 3 nights ago.

First night...... 150 collected

second night 40 collected

third night 6 collected

... seems to be working

5 Jul, 2012


But what do you do with them LOL

5 Jul, 2012


I put them in the garden of someone I hate!

Hee hee!

.... only joking!

5 Jul, 2012



6 Jul, 2012


I dig out a little soil & place small yogurt pots filled with beer around vulnerable plants then cover with a hollyhock leaf or similar to keep the rain off. Have caught loads this way and it harms no wildlife. I then just empty, dig contents in with a trowel and refill containers. I feed the blackbirds & one thrush with sultanas soaked in warm water and some rolled oats (place small piles under shrub nr house) which they love - fill their beaks to feed their young and now have plenty of birds to eat the snails & slugs.
Good luck,

6 Jul, 2012


Do the slugs die in the beer?

6 Jul, 2012


In have just arrived home to find slugs marching across the lawn, loads of them. I do not remember them this bad before.

6 Jul, 2012


I've got lots on my lawn too.

I'm going out with a bucket to pick them all up

6 Jul, 2012


My Shasta daisies are being eaten to death.

6 Jul, 2012


" have just arrived home to find slugs marching across the lawn"

Imagines slugs with legs


6 Jul, 2012


Well thy looked like an army on the march Anchorman lol - so creepy as they were all facing one way!

7 Jul, 2012


I would like to thank everyone for their coments and advise I have tried most of them. I go into the garden as much as I can and collect them, I keep a bag containing some salt and I drop them in there. No matter how many times I go into the garden there is always some more to collect.

8 Jul, 2012

How do I say thanks?

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