The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Does anyone know what has happened to UKTV Gardens and how we can get it back?


By Nics

Surrey, United Kingdom

Its disappeared from Virgin



ye its gone from mine ,just checked

26 May, 2009


I've watched UKTV Gardens on Sky for years and yes .... it's completely disappeared.
BAD decision there, what WAS the reasoning behind that i wonder ??

26 May, 2009


I pay £1 a month for that chennell, ill have to Cancel..

26 May, 2009


not a bargain , pound for channel thats not there anymore , your slippin ydd

26 May, 2009


Where is Andrew R from Berkshire - he identified my lovely lobelia tupa

26 May, 2009


I believe they have rebranded and are now on chanel 265, now called UKTV Home, tomorrow (Wednesday) from 11am there's an hour of Ground Force and again from 5pm-6pm - I think they've run all the gardening programmes and can't seem to find anything new and exciting to put on. I think my hubby is secretly pleased as it was the ONLY chanel I ever watched. Great news for me though, coz I'll be able to spend more time on GoY! Yippee!
I think we could all get together and make a very informative gardening programme....what do other members think....with all the knowledge and tips on this site we can have a gardening chanel all of our own!

26 May, 2009


telly is good but GOY is better, you can chat about the gardening things you want to chat about and you dont have to see C Dimmocks knockers bobbling around

sorry if I offend anyone but I dont like that

x x x

26 May, 2009


The most ridiculous thing is that they cancelled the week of Chelsea flower show - how stupid. I so enjoyed getting so many wonderful ideas from Chelsea shows. There probably is not enough room in the budget for new gardening programmes but with the much flouted increase in people gardening and people spending so much money on their gardens - can they not see an opportunity here???

26 May, 2009


I was sad to see the channel go too, it was nice to be able to watch an hour or two of gardening when the rest of the TV was rubbish. Yet again TV is being dumbed down!

Channel 4 has a series of the Town Gardener (or is it the city gardener?) on at 12.30pm at the moment.

26 May, 2009


Mookins, i entirely agree with your views on C Dimmock .... a horrible sight when you've sat down to enjoy a gardening programme and what you get is ..... wobbling :(

27 May, 2009



x x x

27 May, 2009


I agree, why does she feel the need to go braless and poke those hideous things in Alan Titchmarsh's face all the time? If Charlie is reading this site, take advice from an older woman - wear good support at all times or you'll soon be kneeling on them whilst you're weeding. LOL!

27 May, 2009


hahaha... Greenfingers thats funny

x x x
true too

x x x

27 May, 2009


I was annoyed when they took the gardening channel off...... i used to watch it alot......

30 May, 2009

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