By Marion1
United Kingdom
Allium Globemaster
My allium globemasters are starting to lose their flowers now, will they self seed? I have been searching on the net for advice and I read somewhere that it takes a few years to get a bulb from seed, is this right as if so I will just buy some more. Many thanks
6 Jul, 2012
Yes. It is right. I love aliums and they do self seed, but don't expect new flowers next year or possibly even the year after. The old brown paper bag trick to collect seed from them is safer than counting on self seeding, but it won't speed them up.
6 Jul, 2012
As Sarraceniac says best to collect the seed, sow in pots, label and ignore for several years.
6 Jul, 2012
Owdboggy, I am going to sound completely stupid here!!! I have just been reading one of your answers to this question in detail from a few years ago, now dont laugh..... what does the seed look like and where abouts is it on the allium, I have never done anything from seeds before, you said on your other answer not to dry them so if I can find these seeds would it be best to do them now or do I wait until all of the purple flowers have completely gone.
6 Jul, 2012
Right, the seeds are little black jobs inside the capsules which are at the end of the little stalks which radiate out from the centre of the Allium flower head. You can tell when they are ready as the green capsules begin to turn less green and split.
6 Jul, 2012
Thanks, I will keep a look out for them.
6 Jul, 2012
And, given our bogging summer, your allium may never have been fertilised by any insects this would mean no fertile seed.
6 Jul, 2012
Thanks Moon Growe, I never thought of that....
6 Jul, 2012
If you have little fat black seeds then they are, hopefully, viable little sad flat seeds are unlikely to be - have fun anyway and enjoy the challenge! We grow lots of bulbs from seed - just takes time...
6 Jul, 2012
They are often self pollinated so not as dependent on insects as other plants which need cross fertilisation.
6 Jul, 2012
Good luck Marion, your allium were fab in blooms
6 Jul, 2012
Marion, if you manage to get some seeds do you think you could send some my way pwetty pleeze ? :o)
7 Jul, 2012
Yes of course I will Booboosmur, I dont think they are quite ready yet though but when they are I will send you some.
7 Jul, 2012
Yes they will, yes it does and if you put "Alliums from Seed" into search it will come up with a sowing and growing guide.
6 Jul, 2012