By Leighleigh
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
are these gladioli? i thought the foliage was but now the buds are forming im not too sure.
bad pic i know. im not going out in that weather!! thank you. :o)

6 Jul, 2012
crocosmia, formerly montbretia.
6 Jul, 2012
tut! i remember it now! im a little dissapointed its not as i dont think my other gladys are coming out this year but its another lovely bit of colour so its good lol thanks guys :o)
6 Jul, 2012
It is disappointing on so many fronts this year :-( Some late sushine (remember what that is?) might rescue some of the later flowerers. Here's hoping!
6 Jul, 2012
i only ever remember thunder and rain :o( lol but 'lifes not about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain!' listen to me im not even drunk yet hehe! thanks mel. :o)
6 Jul, 2012
I think Crocosmia too,Leigh..possibly 'Lucifer'a tall red variety..? Mine are just budding up..
6 Jul, 2012
Well - Friday night's fast approaching, Leigh! Enjoy!!!
6 Jul, 2012
I think of montbretia as the thuggish old fashioned orange ones and crocosmia for the others - didn't realise there had been a name change.
6 Jul, 2012
Id be lucky! were boracic lint! :o( eastenders and big brother is about as exciting as it gets tonight lol :o)
6 Jul, 2012
Oooh lucifer sounds good-or is that bad? :o) Thanks everyone
6 Jul, 2012
It's good,in my eyes,Leigh..I love big and blousy..colour that says WOW !:..If you prefer subtle,it's not the one for you ..:o)
6 Jul, 2012
Lucifer is gorgeous Leigh, I have lots of gladioli not a one showing any signs of budding up yet, so don`t despair....
6 Jul, 2012
Yes bloom and lincs it is that i remember now, just didnt appreciate like many other plants in my garden, cant wait to get some snaps of it in full bloom! I love bold and bright! the only gladys i have then are what i planted this year do you think they will bloom this year lincs? :o)
6 Jul, 2012
Lucifer can be a bit thuggish. But then, it is easy to control it.
As an alternative I had a beautiful yellow one, well, more orangey anyway. If memory serves it was Emily McKenzie.
7 Jul, 2012
that sounds nice fractal, bet theyd look good together! It seems ok at the moment apart from i had to tie it up with all the rain :o)
7 Jul, 2012
Hi Leigh
Love your avatar ixia viridiflora It’s the same has mine although mine a photo of the ones I grew a couple of years ago
7 Jul, 2012
Ah hi steve! yeah i love these. i havent got any yet but have seen some bulbs on a website, im guna get them when i can afford to. my avatar is a really rare one forgot the name but the bulbs ive seen are jade green. do you know much about growing them, can they be grown indoors? :o)
7 Jul, 2012
It looks rather like a montbretia/crocosmia (can't remember which is the up-to-date name ) to me - the foliage is very similar to gladioli. I think gladioli is a bit more spear-like. I have loads of montbretia which spreads rather rapidly. The leaves in your picture look wider than mine, but I know there are several types. It is nice when it's flowering and good for cutting,
6 Jul, 2012