By Benkay
United Kingdom
We have a liquid amber tree wich we planted only months ago, it is very young but we have seen a good growth of leaves since planting. After weeks of continual rain we have noticed that the leaves are starting to go brown - we have no idea what this is and if it can be cured - please help!
Many thanks
6 Jul, 2012
Its a gorgeous tree whose name describes its winter colour
Possibilities are too much water because of the rain, strong winds and the cold getting to it, is it in a sheltered spot or very exposed, can you move it?
7 Jul, 2012
Hi, thank you Pamg. You may well be right, it has not only been subject to all this rain but is in quite an exposed spot which will get the wind and cold - we did specifically buy it for that spot but we may have to reconsider and move it to a more sheltered spot and find a replacement that won't mind being exposed.
Thank you
7 Jul, 2012
That sounds a good idea Ben if you can,
if they are anything like japanese acers they don't like the cold and wet, we can grow A platanoides crimson king and drummondii but the A palmatum dissectum lives in the greenhouse.
Interestingly my....and to go by the questions....other peoples drummondii are hardly variegated this year we think through lack of sun
7 Jul, 2012
hi benkay excuse my ignorance but whats a liquid amber tree ive never heard of one before have you a photo ?
6 Jul, 2012