By Lyndaarnott
does anyone have some good advice on taking cuttings? Not too sure where to cut the stem,how long it should be .
Do i need rooting compound? Any advice please!!
7 Jul, 2012
Good advice from Ojibway as ever. I've also taken cuttings from plants and simply put them straight into soil, usually early in the year with new growth and not while flowering, and they have taken as well. But the layering method, if you already have the plant and the space is more reliable. Good luck!
7 Jul, 2012
I shall try your suggestions, thankyou for replying to me.
8 Jul, 2012
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I have propagated mine by layering (for the first time as an experiment). I pegged a low growing shoot into the ground with a bit of wire, piled some compost around it and left it from late summer to spring. By that time it had grown roots sufficient to allow it to be separated from the parent and stand alone. It has done really well since then.
7 Jul, 2012