By Claretaylor
United Kingdom
I had a lovely colutea (bladder senna) tree in my garden which was very pretty and a real focal point. However I was really upset when high winds uprooted the tree and it couldnt be saved - this was about 8 years ago. Then, 2 years ago i noticed a familar flower in my border and it seems it started to grow back in the same spot and i was over the moon. Because the root of the new plant was actually under the fence bordering with my neighbours garden i managed to carefully lift it out, roots and all and planted it in a large pot. Since then it has thrived - growing in height and bushyness but has failed to flower for the last two years. Is there any particular reason for this and should i have left it where it was? Your advice would be much appreciated.
thankyou Clare Taylor
8 Jul, 2012
This grows well on dry sunny banks, I would suggest its the conditions in the pot - maybe too good, why not try planting it back near to where it was growing?
14 Jul, 2012