By Claretaylor
United Kingdom
I had a lovely colutea (bladder senna) tree in my garden which was very pretty and a real focal point. However I was really upset when high winds uprooted the tree and it couldnt be saved - this was about 8 years ago. Then, 2 years ago i noticed a familar flower in my border and it seems it started to grow back in the same spot and i was over the moon. Because the root of the new plant was actually under the fence bordering with my neighbours garden i managed to carefully lift it out, roots and all and planted it in a large pot. Since then it has thrived - growing in height and bushyness but has failed to flower for the last two years. Is there any particular reason for this and should i have left it where it was? Your advice would be much appreciated.
thankyou Clare Taylor
8 Jul, 2012
The only thing I can think of is that the conditions in the pot (re the compost) are too rich for the plant - this one likes poorish soil, and plants which prefer that often don't flower when grown in richer conditions or fed. I guess you're growing it in a pot so you can keep it sheltered when the weather's bad and not lose it, but you could maybe strike cuttings from it and perhaps replant into the ground, close to its original position?
8 Jul, 2012