What veggies can I grow in my plastic greenhouse?
United Kingdom
I have just bought a 3 tier plastic greenhouse and would like to attempt to grow a few vegetables but don't know where to start.
I know the common thing is tomatoes but my other half dislikes them and I don't think I cold stomach the crop on my own lol.
He does like peppers on the other hand...do they do well in this type of starter hothouse?
29 May, 2009
You could put a grow bag in the bottom shelf with a couple of courgettes in it , this will also add weight to the bottom of the grow house and make it more sturdy , as the weather improves and they grow just leave the door at the bottom open and let them grow outside ,that would leave a shelf above for peppers. . . . . . just an idea there really is no end of things you could try
29 May, 2009
anything that you would grow in a conventional greenhouse can be grown in yours ( size permitting )
so peppers / aubergines / cucumbers / salad crops even.
you can buy plants from local garden centres and grow them on , this would be quicker than from seed.
29 May, 2009