My roses have black spots
By Shahida
United Kingdom
I have tried all sprays but still there are black spots and then become yellow...I am not happy..
29 May, 2009
Black spot is best treated early in the season before the leaves are produced and again when they are unfurling. I dont think there is much you can do now except collect and bin( household) or burn affected leaves. early next spring, collect up any remaining leaves, give the plant a good feed and mulch thickly as this will prevent any of the fungus spores remaining in the soil infecting the fresh stems. Spray early too
29 May, 2009
oops telme got there first
29 May, 2009
Go to the bottom of the Questions page, click on plants on the black piece, then when that page comes up click on Roses, you will have all the answers there that have come in, which should help you.
29 May, 2009