Sarcococca Confusa vs. Hookeriana-Digyna
By Kurlakid
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
There is a contrasting information on Confusa & Hookeriana in terms of "Height" and "Speed of growth".
RHS website say that both have same max height on maturity whereas some nursery websites say that Confusa grows upto 4-6 feet and Digyna grows to 3-4 feet. A book called "Evergreen Expert" say opposite.. it says Confusa grows to 2.5-3 feet and say for taller variety choose Digyna.
I did search on this forum and had a look at the photos; but didn't find photos showing full growth.
Could anyone who have either of these varieties or both give me information on:
Height they have achived and over how many years.
I want to plant 3-4 of Sarcococca plants to create evergreen backdrop (for other dwarf front border plants) with winter interest next to my northeast facing housewall which is a shade in winter and part shade in summer. I want about 4-5 feet high growth and want to cover 15 feet border.
9 Jul, 2012
Expected height at maturity for Sarcococca confusa is 5 feet, but as Jaykaty says, they are slowish growing. S. confusa is a good choice because its one which doesn't sucker freely, unlike the others.
9 Jul, 2012
Thanks Jaykaty & Bamboo.
Seems too slow growing. Will have to look at something else.
10 Jul, 2012
Have a look at Mahonia aquifolium, Kurlakid... might fit the bill exactly. Can get to 7 feet after some years, but I keep mine prune back to 3/4 feet - much bigger spread sideways too than Sarcococca, meaning you may need fewer plants.
10 Jul, 2012
Previous question
« I have made a wooden box 72"l x 8" wide x 9" deep and it will sit...
I have a Sarcococca confusa approximately 10 years old and it is now about 4' tall and 3' wide. It is quite a slow grower and I think it has probably reached its full height now although it does still seem to be adding width.
Mine is planted in shade by our east facing front door and the scent is lovely when its flowering.
9 Jul, 2012