By Smasher
North Humberside,
United Kingdom
hya wondered if anybody knows what this plant is ,had it years and years ,never do anything to it really except give it a water in hot weather ,its very very prickly and gives off beautiful pink flowers on the top ,you cant really see them now ,must be the rain has knocked em all off ,any ideas would be great ,thank you in advance

10 Jul, 2012
It is one of the smaller hardy geraniums, I think? I have one, maybe sanguineum?
10 Jul, 2012
Sorry, Bulbaholic - we must have crossed there.
10 Jul, 2012
Surely not, guys - the description in the question says its 'very, very prickly'... I was hoping you'd know, Bulbaholic, lol....I haven't a clue.
10 Jul, 2012
The long tuberous roots look like one of the macrorrhizum group of hardy geraniums and so do the leaves and the seedheads.
But that wouldn't be prickly. So the two don't match up.
Are the leaves scented or aromatic.?
10 Jul, 2012
Looks like a Saxifraga. What variety I do not know.
10 Jul, 2012
those vine tenticle things are untouchable they are that prickly,shame the flowers aint blooming ,Il get a close up for you shortly.......thanks for the feedback guys,brilliant responses
10 Jul, 2012
Geranium type leaves and geranium/cranesbill type seedheads but I am confused by "those vine tenticle things are untouchable they are that prickly". New to me.
10 Jul, 2012
have you seen my other post bulbaholic ?,ive taken a closer pic of the vines that are prickly
10 Jul, 2012
Yeah, I saw it, Smasher, but still no wiser. Sorry, though I would still say that it is a geranium species.
10 Jul, 2012
if it blooms il stickanother photo up ,no aroma from it whatsoever or is that just if it flowers??
10 Jul, 2012
If you rub your fingers in the leaves then that geranium group has a definite aroma all the time. If there is nothing then we need to think again.
10 Jul, 2012
right im onto it tommorow
11 Jul, 2012
A geranium of some sort, but not sure which. Can we get a better picture of the flowers?
10 Jul, 2012