By Bigjim
United Kingdom
What requirements are needed to move a 5foot tall acer from a pot to plant into the ground in normal soil?
11 Jul, 2012
Thanks. Thats me sorted autumn.
11 Jul, 2012
you have an autumn or early spring slot for moving them and both have there merrits and downside . both are about the same i guess but id rather do the early spring one myself so it doesnt get shocked and it doesnt have to sit in the ground with broken roots all winter . then it grows a couple of weeks later and heals iotself . inverglen is just as right thow to lol . dont want to step on ya toes lol .
11 Jul, 2012
Dig a nice big hole and surround the root ball with new compost but I would wait till the autumn when the tree is dormant after the leaves have fallen
11 Jul, 2012