By Monjardinlra
re recent posts on "proper" geraniums... wow you lot are so expert!!! I'm trying to identify (sitting amongst flowers in the rain, as they say, which is all we europeans can do at present) all the marvels that a clearly keen gardener has left here before me in this French garden (among the hazels and bracken that are our particular beasties). I'm mad about geraniums and aquilegias, both underrated here, so what is this one, please, and can I cut it up this year it's looking overwhelmed (small front bed, south-facing, under eaves so under watered... )

11 Jul, 2012
so can I pick it up and divide it (it's smaller than the ones I had in England, but seems to be competing with itself in a small bed as you can see) In Autumne, or wait till Spring?want to grow more geraniums so wouldn't want kill this one
thanks so much everyone for your help, regards,
11 Jul, 2012
Geraniums, re my previous post thanks for the ID, I love these and the wild ones grow here freely so I ought to be able to get them going - any suggestions? Johnson's Blue I love but such short flowering - someone told me there is a pale blue spotted one but I haven't found it (so far).
I also like aquilegias which here in France are weeds but for me a really fun wild flower as you never know what you will get (blue are the wild ones here, but I got double, purple, this year! but I can't get the pink and mauve ones I had in Norfolk... well, not yet, fingers crossed over those seed trays...)
I have trees (large oaks etc.) would any of the geraniums grow in the disseminated shade under these?
11 Jul, 2012
Hardy geraniums are normally very tough plants so if you take it up after giving it a good soaking and divide it then it should be fine. You could do it as soon as it finishes flowering.
I have lots of different geraniums and have been collecting aquilegia seeds of McKana hybrids , the big fancy ones, so if you would like anything just send me a private message and we can discuss things.
11 Jul, 2012
These naturally make quite big clumps eventually and yours isn't all that large yet, unlerss there'a a lot more of that than in the photo. Would it be possible to make room for it to spread a bit? You have to be careful splitting it as a lot of the stems come from the centre though it looks as though they are rooted.
Did you know that you can get deeper pink ones and a white one too (though I don't have much luck getting the white one to flower)
11 Jul, 2012
Looks like one of the Geranium Sanguineum group. Geranium sanguineum var. striatum is my guess.
11 Jul, 2012