By Kate40club
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
these are my wallflower seedlings are they ready to transplant and do I move them individually into pots or what is best...thankyou

11 Jul, 2012
Mine were at this stage last week and ive potted into 2 40 cell trays they will stay there intill they are about 2 inch high.
11 Jul, 2012
thankyou...would you say a 3 inch pot or smaller?
11 Jul, 2012
If you already have lots of 3 inch pots and want to use them then that will be fine. That's about the right size.
11 Jul, 2012
OK thankyou :) Im on
11 Jul, 2012
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Yes. If they were mine that is what I would do next. Each one into a small pot.
11 Jul, 2012