Froghopper / Cuckoo spit ?
By Adrian
stroud glos,
United Kingdom
Firstly, I would provide a picture but I can't download onto my computer at the moment ( marvelous when they're working ! ).
I have a small Acer and have done for about 10 years and it is the first time I have seen this. I rotated the tree ( in a pot ) 180 degrees so the back side of the plant would benifit from the sun as it was becoming a bit one sided. To discover about 6 oval ,raised, white ( the only way I can desribe really ) white pedestalls / pillars about 3- 4 mm high with with I think a froghopper at the top. Brown in colour, lines running from side to side on it's lower back and very still ( or dead ). What is intesting is that they are all on the oldest wood ( and being at the back the coolest ) Does any one have any idea please ? Don't be shy.
2 Jun, 2009
It would be an advantage and a great help but unfortuanately I can't download at present. Pesky thing. Thanks anyway.
2 Jun, 2009
frog hoppers are in a 'cloud' of throth or spittal, so you description doesnt really fit.
2 Jun, 2009
Yes, SBG's right. The white froth is called 'cukoo spit' and the little, greeny pinkish if I remember rightly, bug is inside that and easily wiped off with your fingers. I found one on my centaurea the other day.
White pedestals are new to me. I'm curious now, but I'm thinking it might be one of the 'scale' insects.
2 Jun, 2009
Hi Adrian, I don't have any ideas of what your beetles are but I don't think they are froghoppers. Adult froghoppers are more likely to be found in vegetation rather than on 'pedestalls' on a tree. A picture would be a great help.
2 Jun, 2009