By Luella
West Midlands,
United Kingdom
Something is eating the leaves of raddish,french beans,courgettes, spinach, lettuce,sweet corn.Peas broad beans, leeks, beetroot are fine Any rsuggestions please
15 Jul, 2012
I lost all my first lot of beetroot and as there was no sign at all of slugs I assumed the birds did it.
But M. G. Suggested slugs were the problem so the next lot I set I put slug pellets round and for several mornings after there were lots of slug trails and dead slugs.
15 Jul, 2012
More likely to be slugs and snails than sparrows...
16 Jul, 2012
Watch for sparrows, they ate my beetroot, peas and spinach, but seem to have moved on now.
15 Jul, 2012