what is this please?
United Kingdom
its me again with enougher mystery, whilst i was taking pictures today i noticed these heads coming through,i did plant some gladiolus bareroot somewhere but wasnt near,thanks if its possible to help

2 Jun, 2009
If it opens two leaves, it's not a gladiolus (they only have one)
2 Jun, 2009
gladiolus come up like green swords. named after the roman short sword, hence gladiators. [sorry but i'm full of useless info and just have to share it :o) ]
2 Jun, 2009
Let's get real... it is impossible to i.d. the pix above as it is a new sprout! Take a pix when it is in full leaf and flower and we can help you...
2 Jun, 2009
there are some plants that are easily id from the seed leaf eg clarkia and if its something you grow then it would be recognisable. i did think perhaps an astilbe shoot as it has this hairy stalk but i would prefer an older plant.
2 Jun, 2009
ok all, sorry thought things might all look different when coming up,ill watch it patiently and then redo the question if i havent figured it out,thank you all anyhows
2 Jun, 2009
Well, I'm pretty sure it's NOT a glad', future.
I don't think you'll have long to wait until it can be identified. :o)
2 Jun, 2009
It is possibly the pale yellow leg of a giant soil crab. They pupate in the soil and then emerge about now. They usually emerge in hundreds, so get ready.
3 Jun, 2009
ive told my fiance to stand over them with an hammer and pan of boiling water on the camp stove,looks like wel be eating crab for a long long time lol
3 Jun, 2009
soil crabs?
was this a joke?
x x
3 Jun, 2009
Some of the males are up to 9" wide Mookins.
3 Jun, 2009
Awww, bless, lol.
Jonathan you're so cruel, ha ha.
He's taking the mick, Mookins. :o)
3 Jun, 2009
oh my goodness I was really starting to believe it?, have just started to type it into google aswel
Jonathanhales you little scamp
x x x
3 Jun, 2009
lol i did google it before i made any joke so your not alone there mookins
3 Jun, 2009
Oh, I'm feeling just awful now. I didn't mean to be a rotter!
3 Jun, 2009
You're not... just having fun like the rest of us :-)
3 Jun, 2009
haha good thing I can laugh at myself
x x x
3 Jun, 2009
lol i found it quite funny myself
3 Jun, 2009
really gonna start reading up for myself before I ask a question like that... maybe then i wont sound so stooooooopid!
hehe love this website
x x x
4 Jun, 2009
Previous question
« got these today, any recognise what it is, the bud things has three protrusions?
No idea, it's just a shoot, looks like a beansprout! Wait a little, till it's growing properly and if you still don't know, take another picture and put it on here.
2 Jun, 2009