Brompton Stock (bienial) what to do after flowering?
United Kingdom
I planted some brompton stock from seed in my borders and they did well last summer,as I cut off dead flowers before seed pods grew At end of season I cut some down to a 3 inch stalk and others I left The cut stalks died but the others have flowered again this year but they are straggly on one tall stem, what do I do ?
2 Jun, 2009
If you've had flowers for two years, then I think you are quite lucky. As it's a biennial it just may be too weak now and showing it's last legs, so to speak.
I would let them go to seed and then start all over again.
2 Jun, 2009
welcome to GoY.
i collected the seed off mine and sowed them last summer. they are flowering now.
2 Jun, 2009