By Terrygordon
Considering the growing conditions we are experiencing this year I am having very little success with direct sown seeds of e.g. carrots, parsnips and beetroot. Is this purely down to the cold and wet conditions or are my seeds 'dead' ? I am using some seeds left over from last year so should I always use fresh seeds for each new season?
16 Jul, 2012
A trick I saw on Gardeners World was to start Parsnips off in trays. When they grow into small, and they were small, plants they are planted out. I tried this and, apart from the cats digging them up, they are growing quite well. I am happy because I now have a complete row instead of spaces from poor germination. Beetroot you can start in cells and carrots, I can't grow them.
17 Jul, 2012
Let us know how you get on Cutsandgrazes as standard advice is to sow seed in situ and thin - which we have always done.
17 Jul, 2012
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Seed viability does deteriorate after the first year but I think it is primarily the weather. Too much wet and not enough sun...
16 Jul, 2012