By Scotkat
Can anyone recommend a nice scented climbing rose?
17 Jul, 2012
When you say 'climbing'.., just how big do you want it?
If it is to go over an arch then something like Rosa 'Constance Spry' would be ideal.
If you want something that will find its way up into a big tree then 'Kiftsgate' or 'Wedding Day' might be the answer.
How much room can you give it?
There are probably hundreds... :)
17 Jul, 2012
Susanne do you have a photo of your Compassion?
And FC Its to go on an Arch .
17 Jul, 2012
I haven't, Kath - and it has grown very big now, (through a very large camellia, and out of the top!) It might be too big if you were thinking of growing it in a container, but I have no experience of that. I think it would be fine over an arch. Mine is very old (at least 30 years) - my grandmother planted it at a time when I really wasn't much into gardening - sorry!
17 Jul, 2012
Susanne I will be planting it in the ground.
17 Jul, 2012
Then I think it would be fine. Sorry I have no picture - though it's in such an odd situation now I don't think it would give you a very good idea. I'm sure a nursery/GC would advise you, or there are some good Google images. It might not be your cup of tea...
17 Jul, 2012
I have New Dawn, its my avitar picture. it is lovely and flowers on and on. even to christmas day in mild winters.
17 Jul, 2012
Star Performer is a lovely free flowering climbing rose which looks quite similar to New dawn and has a lovely perfume. Mine grows to be about 8ft tall and very bushy habit.
17 Jul, 2012
The best fragrant rose I have and the scent is knockout is Guinee. Beautiful sensuos dark red velvety flowers.
18 Jul, 2012
I have the climber "Compassion". It is a warm pink, with a lovely scent.
17 Jul, 2012