By Sara75
United Kingdom
hi can you tell me what you think of the plants iv bought for my garden perennial list aubrieta mix bleeding hearts baby breath chamomile gaillardia heathers pansys pyrethrum and roses annuals marigold calendula pyrethrum nasturtium wallflowerlivingstone daisy sweet heart im doing a organic veg garden so some of the flowers are for that reason i think if i did my reaserch right am i doing right?
17 Jul, 2012
well what im trying to say is what do you think of the plant choices iv made and as for organic veg garden i learnt that marigolds and calendula and narstitrium are good for keeping away black fly and and other pests and good for bringing bees and hoverflys to pollinate and eat things i dont want on my veg that any better i need help im only a beginer .
17 Jul, 2012
Hi Sara companion planting is a huge topic, I would suggest you copy and paste thi link in your web browser
Wher Garden Organic gives lots of advice on this topic. Good luck!
17 Jul, 2012
thankyou so much moon for the link im a mum of nine children and iv stopped buying frozen food for over a month now im cooking everything from scratch but spending a fourtune on fresh veg so i thought il do my own so any help is great and as for my front garden i want my children to have a beautifull flowery garden for them to learn and love same a me you know what i mean i would like to put some flowers in the back garden too where they play that they can pick but will grow back again but im not sure what flowers to do that with do you have any ideas? thankyou gain for the help :)
17 Jul, 2012
Sara it is rather late in the year to start growing veggies from seed, if you have a local independent GC check to see if they have any veggie seedlings though, to be honest, it is even late for these. Yes buying fresh veggies appears to cost more but I'm not sure it actually does. Check out your local markets to see what you can buy or visit a greengrocers - try to avoid buying in the supermarket. If you have a Lidl they actually have good,cheap fruit and veg so long as you don't want organic. Good luck and I'm impressed you've made the step to cooking from scratch... remember you don't need 'fancy' veg - potatoes, carrots, onions, kale, cabbages and other green veg are usually a lot cheaper than things like sweet peppers, courgettes, mushrooms and the like. You could still buy and sow a packet of salad leaves and within a month have leaves that are big enough to use. I'm in my 60s and rarely by frozen veg but it does take longer to cook - feel free to PM me if you would like more support or advice. MG
17 Jul, 2012
Sara. Im not all that clued up on flowers to pick but could i suggest you ask a separate question just as you have explained to Moongrower. Im sure there ard lots of members who will tell you the best perennials for picking.
17 Jul, 2012
ah right i see ok thankyou to you both for the feedback il take your advice thankyou again means a lot :)
17 Jul, 2012
If you want flowers for the children to grow and pick you can't do better than nasturtiums, but try to find the dwarf ones rather than the trailers. They have big seeds that little hands can handle and they produce lots of big bright flowers at ground level. I was always allowed to pick these when I was little and I think it started me off liking plants!
You can sow them straight into the ground in March. They aren't perennials so have to be sown every year in colder areas, but in milder ones they grow again on their own from their own seed.
I'm sending you a PM
19 Jul, 2012
As a thought Sara whilst you are buying your Fruit and vegetables look out for farmers markets and local farm shops. Thee will sell fresh locally grown veg. much cheaper than a supermarket and you'll be supporting the local economy at the same time.
19 Jul, 2012
wow thankyou everyone so helpfull weve started on the garden today got the hubby doing the digging for the front garden its so exciting !!:))
19 Jul, 2012
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Well the plants are perennials though the names are easier to read if you put spaces between them not sure how this relates to an organic veg. garden though these are ornamental flowering plants. Perhaps you need to amplify your question by posting a reply as an answer?
17 Jul, 2012