By Sara75
United Kingdom
hi everyone iv got some clematis markham seeds what do i do with them sow them straight into the ground or pots inside till big enuf to go outside ? thankyou in advance :) x
19 Jul, 2012
do i keep the pots inside or out their fluffy looking seeds and how deep do bury them thankyou for answering me :))
19 Jul, 2012
oh and i do have an arch i want them to grow over eventually but it has no pots atached to it does that matter?
19 Jul, 2012
Sarraceniac, when you've grown clematis from seed, were they hybrids or species clems? Because as far as I know, seed of the hybrids does not come true, and can take up to 3 years to germinate. If Sara has Ernest Markham, that's a hybrid...
19 Jul, 2012
If planting now I would keep them inside until late spring next year if you haven't got a greenhouse then move them out when the temperature goes up (if it ever does) but put them on a table if poss so the snails and slugs can't have dinner. Once they are about a foot tall they won't need pots, in fact better without. Plant them in the ground at that point but it may take a while (2 seasons, 1 indoors, 1 out, maybe) for them to get there. Oh, and you should support them up canes or sticks, even in the pots, when they need it.
19 Jul, 2012
Sorry Bamboo, just saw your post, I was busy writing mine. I have grown Nelly Moser (a hybrid) from seed successfully and it did not revert to jackmanii or whatever its mother/father is. I think it is a bit hit and miss but great fun trying.
19 Jul, 2012
The seeds need to be sown fresh as like all members of that genus the seeds have a short life span. Viable seed is easy to spot, it is plump whereas non-viable is paper thin. Sow in pots in ordinary compost and cover the seeds with grit. I have been known to snip off the feathery tails as they can rot and kill the seed.Leave the pot somewhere safe from vermin, but outside. they germinate better after a period of cold.
Hybrid Clematis like this will not come true from seed and what you may get could be better or worse, you never know.
19 Jul, 2012
I plant mine like that too Boggy, especially the snipping.
19 Jul, 2012
ummmmmm ok confused but il work it out :D THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR HELPING ONCE AGAIN x
19 Jul, 2012
Nothing confusing about it at all. Sow the plump seeds now and they should germinate in Spring.
19 Jul, 2012
I've grown various clematis from seed and always start them in pots. Can't be more 'scientific' about it but I think the slimy brigade like them when they are young so they need protecting.
19 Jul, 2012